Those who are experiencing a Thai massage for the first time may be in for some pleasant surprises. There are a few key differences between Thai massage techniques, and those "regular" methods traditionally practiced by western massage therapists. A lot of these distinctions will be noticeable immediately, and a couple may be shocking. But as you ease into the massage you'll discover they exist for very good reasons.
The first difference you'll notice between a Thai massage and the classic western styles it the lack of equipment. Whereas Swedish and deep tissue massages take place atop a massage table, Thai massages take place upon a floor mat. This allows the client a more complete range of motion — which comes in handy. Because unlike western massage styles, you won't just be lying on your back or stomach when you receive a Thai massage.
For Advance Booking of Thai Massage at Mayra Family Spa Dombivli, Call us Directly on : 7900003536